A common prayer for spiritual unity of mankind
Friends, brothers-in-arms to combat dark forces on planet Earth and Space!
I ask you to draw your attention to the fulfilment of the obligations in relation to the creator of all things.
I ask you to take an active part in the daily work to change the space of all things in the universe, Eternity, Infinity.
I ask to participate actively in the daily prayer.
I ask all those who will join his relatives and friends who want to actively pursue the plan of God.
I ask all of God's children to heed my words and start working together with me and my team.
Mentally pronounce words prayer. Then contact your I am PRESENCE to assist all suffering on Earth, Universe, Eternity, Infinity.
A common prayer for spiritual unity of mankind
1. in the name of I am that I am, each inhabitant of the planet Earth to the subtle and dense plans, reflections of their essence in the pyramid structure of the multidimensionality of space in the universe, Eternity, Infinity, I apologize to the Creator of all things, I apologize to the universe, I apologize to the universes, I apologize to the planet Earth, I apologize to the residents of the MicrocosmI apologize to nature, people, I apologize to the soul for all the evil that we have brought in all incarnations of the MIGA has begun before this, I apologize for all of our sins free or involuntary, I ask that you accept our sincere REPENTANCE for all souls, former us in all incarnations, before the universe, residents of Microcosm, mother Earth, all Universes, all Souls of the universe, Eternity, Infinity, all the planets of the universe, Eternity, Infinity for violation
Laws of universal love and harmony, past, present, future, on the edge of the new millennium, in all time series underlying the different plans and not related to each other, in this moment of the present, the 4 's plans, in the physical body, plus and minus infinity, at 20-levels, in all reality, the organizing of a substance, the organizing of a substance in the world plus and minus infinity, manifested world, unmanifest world, in real time, at macro and micro levels, at the end of time
2. in the name of I am that I am, each inhabitant of the planet Earth to the subtle and dense plans, reflections of their essence in the pyramid structure of the multidimensionality of space in the universe, eternity, infinity, on behalf of each Member of an Aries and Slavs, on behalf of the creator of all things, on behalf of the creator of all universes, universe, eternity, infinity, on behalf of all the forces of the light all of the universes creationeternity, infinity, I conduct prayer:
-for spiritual unity of mankind; for consistent recovery of the Russian economy from sea to sea; to protect neroždënnoj life; to protect neroždënnoj life with a DNA molecule in 10, 11, 12 or more chromosomes; to protect the Archangel Michael all women wearing under the heart of a child, and all the fathers who sire these children; strengthening the impact of the forces of light on the life of every inhabitant of the planet Earth to the subtle and dense plans; strengthening the impact of the forces of light on the consciousness of every inhabitant of platety land in the thin and dense plans; strengthening the love in every resident of planet Earth to the subtle and dense plans;
I stress my prayers and my mysleobrazy pervolûbov′û the creator of all things, the pervolûbov′û of every inhabitant of the planet Earth on a thin and dense plans, reflections of their essence in the pyramid structure of the multidimensionality of space in the universe, eternity, infinity; pervolûbov′û each Member of Aryans and the Slavs, pervolûbov′û the creators of all the universes of the universe, eternity, infinity; pervolûbov′û of all the forces of the light all of the universes of the universe, eternity, infinity;
* Our father, Father, we take your Faith, it is our way,
We take your Perpetual Canon with love to you and Yours, o Lord, I ask you to give us hope for the salvation of our Souls and grant us your Wisdom
Our life here on Earth, and in eternity. Amen. (prayer to read no less than 1:0)
I thank you and I agree it is performed at the here and now, at full strength, according to the Holy will of God.
3. in the name of I am that I am, each inhabitant of the planet Earth to the subtle and dense plans, reflections of their essence in the pyramid structure of the multidimensionality of space in the universe, Eternity, Infinity, I ask the HEAVENLY FATHER grant us spiritual strength, wisdom and Spiritual Prozreniev past, present, future, on the edge of the new millennium, in all time series underlying the different plans and not related to each otherin this moment of the present, the 4 's plans, in the physical body, plus and minus infinity, at 20-levels, in all reality, the organizing of a substance, the organizing of a substance in the world plus and minus infinity, manifested world, unmanifest world, in real time, at macro and micro levels, at the end of time;
* I thank you and I agree it is performed at the here and now in full force, according to the Holy will of God.
And in full faith I consciously accept this âvlennym, âvlennym, âvlennym!(3 times) here and now in full force, continuing an omnipotent, eternal, the ever-increasing and covering the world before the hour when all will ascend into the light and become free! Beloved I Am! Beloved I Am! Beloved I Am!
Not my will, but Yours, o Lord let. AMEN.
* In the name of I am that I am, I appeal to my beloved I am PRESENCE: "My vozlûblennoe I am PRESENCE, I assist all suffering on Earth, Universe, Eternity, infinity; to help all the sick, infirm, disabled people in their difficult life; assist all poor and indigent; assist all suffering from incurable diseases; to assist in the receipt of cash assistance to all those who suffered during the war in V″etname, Afghanistan, Chechnya; to help all those who cannot see; to assist all who are tired of life; help all who want to change their lives; to assist all who live beyond their means; to assist all who are looking for the meaning of life; to help everyone who wants to find the meaning of life.
My vozlûblennoe I am PRESENCE, point me the way to himself; show me the way to the top of life; point me the way to the truth; point me the way to the creator of all things.
My vozlûblennoe I am PRESENCE, please help me to achieve all of the above, help me hear the creator of all things, to help me see the future of planet Earth and all mankind, help you see children happy, help you see the happiness of all people of the Earth.
I thank you and I agree it is performed at the here and now in full force, according to the Holy will of God.
And in full faith I consciously accept this âvlennym, âvlennym, âvlennym!(3 times) here and now in full force, continuing an omnipotent, eternal, the ever-increasing and covering the world before the hour when all will ascend into the light and become free! Beloved I Am! Beloved I Am! Beloved I Am!
Not my will, but Yours, o Lord let. AMEN.
Beloved, my cousins against the forces of darkness on Earth, Universe, Eternity, Infinity. Please support the intensity in the struggle for a better future for the planet Earth, space. To do this, read the prayers of love.
1. in the name of I am that I am, each inhabitant of the planet Earth to the subtle and dense plans, I ask:
Everything sotvorilos′ in heaven, on Earth will manifest itself! Would Love to have power, and anyone not cope! The entire space defence stood up, Union Galaxy rose! To vozrodilasâ land, in love with love rose! Let the endless thread Comes an abundance of love! Lovely and bright Source will manifest itself in a stellar gave! Let our Earth blooms, Galaxies will Let experience A whole Mirozdan′â it better because of the show!!!
2. in the name of I am that I am on behalf of every inhabitant of the planet Earth on a thin and dense, planet Earth and every voskrešaemogo, I ask:
Holy race Nice human beings — Gods of the Earth! Take the rays of Fire Saints soedinen′â Crystals! And Vozrodâs′ in the flow of Universal love, Source, unlock the key to the great Divine Soul Probužden′â Vozrožden′â! Radiance of light ohvati Soznan′e, Single Crystal Heart Mirozdan′â! Cutting through Space and Pass the sacred Worlds! And in the heart of every let springs a Flower Planar Fiery love! The merkaba Vozrožden′â sotvorit′sâ, with the Soul eternal spirit will connect, Open all Points Mirozdan′â and will have a single Christ! Yes will be reborn on Earth, Holy Holy Tribe Sotvorcov is Gods! Yes will rule the universe of all Universes Queen of the universe is love!
3. in the name of I am that I am on behalf of every inhabitant of the planet Earth on a thin and dense, planet Earth and every voskrešaemogo, I ask:
We are United. "Am WE" everywhere and always is the sacrament of life provides us with holy water, "we am!" the radiance of divine love! "We Am!" — The Sacred Breath Mother Earth! "We Am!" Is The Source Of The Probužden′â Power! "We Am!" — The Unity Of Space Family! "We am!" Thread Preobražen′â in the light! "We am!" is the creator of a single all children! "We Am!" — The Fire Of Divine Hearts! "We am!" is only the beginning and the end! "We Am!" — The Creators Of The Holy Mirozdan′â! "We Am!" — The Media Love The Ecumenical Soznan′â! "We Am!", One Of Love Merkaba! "We am!" is everywhere and always! "We Am!" — An Eternity The Father's Creations! "We Am!" — Centres Centres Of The Creator! "We am!" — a stream of light Divine forces, "we am!" — the seed of life for new Luminaries. "We am!" the microcosm and Cosmos. "We am!" is the "be" in the future!!!
4. in the name of I am that I am on behalf of every inhabitant of the planet Earth on a thin and dense, planet Earth and every voskrešaemogo, I ask:
About Eternity, Infinity Of The Universe! You have the power of sotvorënnogo Consciousness! In you Hope, faith and love, the immensity of the cosmos, that both excites blood. To Mind Vossiâl over the world Soznan′â of God in the sky up!!! Sacred Heart Mirozdan′â! Love A Soznan′e! You voplotites′ in the world Love flow! To give a gulp a liberated dyhan′â, Give It Mirozdan′e! Holy Great Space to protect you and the triumph of Love rises, The entire Planet is universal. Male-female merged into a single home to Harmony of love's Melody sounded Edinen′â Covering Space of creation! We Hymn we sing Love Universal – Great Effect Creating Worlds! Yes Springs eternal love of the creator of universes and Worlds Creators! Yes will be forever sacred and inviolable Soznan′e everyday experience across Bases Mirozdan′â! Covers all Worlds Worlds Merkaba Collective Soznan′â! Saint Rose Mirozdan′â — of universal Love Flower blooms again! Nectar of life come back to the universe of all Universes, the petals in the worlds of space is no longer the perishable! Vosslav′sâ! Vossiâj in all centuries now and forever once again, creator of the creators of the mighty Holy strength! Queen Of The Universe — Universal Love! Kudos! Kudos To The Creator! Kudos! Glory Of Love! Let the Earth's one Hymn is posted! Razgorajtes′ heart! Rascvetaj, this reborn Soul-Bird and fly one of his beloved land! Raznosi on Planet Soznan′e love! The era of the Holy Spirit for all comes! And we do Love Eternal Flight! Glory, Glory at all times again and again! Queen Of The Universe — Universal Love! Let the Holy Anthem sounds everywhere-a new era of universal Love gold! In Siân′i Love Mankind live! The Breathing Of Love Offspring Do! In the flow of love in the universe to sail! Glory, Glory at all times again and again! Queen Of The Universe — Universal Love!!!!
I thank you and I agree it is performed at the here and now in full force, according to the Holy will of God.
And in full faith I consciously accept this âvlennym, âvlennym, âvlennym!(3 times) here and now in full force, continuing an omnipotent, eternal, the ever-increasing and covering the world before the hour when all will ascend into the light and become free! Beloved I Am! Beloved I Am! Beloved I Am!
Not my will, but Yours, o Lord let.
Published: Svetoza