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                             Forgiveness. Prayer for forgiveness
Do not leave the problems of tomorrow
Never stands in the evening go to sleep, feeling anger or resentment towards anyone. Every evening the cargo problems must be reset to not pull the next day ill will and hostility.
If we feel the need to forgive someone, it means that we tried and judged severely, isn't it? If we had not denounced him for something "bad", then there would have been nothing to forgive. In other words, we do not see God in this man. We decide that he did something that requires forgiveness.
Studying the matter, we can find solutions to the many problems to be our life. Once you understand that God is in every human being, we make sure that we have nothing to forgive, and barriers to our happiness fall away.
Forgive and forget
If we say that to forgive something the person we forgive, but never forget the misconduct, then simply do not see God in this man. Or if we say that we shall excuse him, even if he is wrong, nor do we see God in it. Really it all comes down to simple thoughts: this man is as much a part of God, just like you. You have nothing to forgive, if you don't have denounced it.
Still, there is someone who needs to forgive, and that someone is you! Yes. If you feel hostility towards another person, then you need to forgive yourself! "Forgive me for what I have forgiven you."

If your life is someone who you feel has caused you damage, try to understand that he is a part of God, and that, therefore, you have nothing to criticize and there is nothing to forgive. You should ask him for forgiveness. Maybe someone of you now vozmutitsâ and refuse to read more – do not rush!
We can ask forgiveness from others in two ways. Or directly go to that person and ask him for forgiveness, or mentally ask him during meditation. Both ways give a positive result. Through meditation we can apologize even before usopšimi. "Forgive me". This is the only forgiveness that we need. Experience it. Such forgiveness is never in vain.

Prayer for forgiveness
The God of love and forgiveness, love and goodbye in me! I forgive all, causing me to be offended.
I forgive all that has caused me pain, suffering, anger and anxiety.
From now onward, I will remember that your spirit created me and all people.
I will always remember about your perfection and
that your presence makes this planet Heaven.
I forgive all the resentment that I remember, and those who do not remember.
I forgive any grievance, hidden in the depths of my subconscious.
I am going to acquit painful feelings and all connection with them.
I forgive, that your love may cleanse my soul,
That your life could flow through my flesh, turning it in the image and likeness of yours.
I forgive the ignorance of the past.
At this point, I live in harmony with your mind.
Let your Eternal Light light up the path of my soul.
Inside and out, past, present and future — I forgive. And that's it!
Gift of life, prayer, Affirmation, Forgiveness (I)
I Bless this day and thank you for my life I totally Forgive all the people who have offended Me
(Repeat 3 times)
I ask all the people whom I have offended/a: Please forgive me
(Repeat 3 times)

I ask Forgiveness from myself for My evil that I Caused myself and evil that I Caused/other
(Repeat 3 times)
I ask Forgiveness for all the Misfortune And evil that I caused the/a all forms of Life
(Repeat 3 times)
I Ask Forgiveness For All The Misfortune And Evil That I Caused The Earth And Life On Earth
(Repeat 3 Times
With This Release, Freedom, Peace, Power And New Life I Bless All Creation In The Entire Universe, And I Napolnâû The Whole Universe Of My Love.
  I love and Bless the Earth, All Life and all mankind I love, Bless and respect Everything visible and Everything Invisible I'm too depressed and I thank you for my new life, strength and health, and give the Full blessing and Love all life and all Creation is always

Gift Of Life, Prayer Is A Personal Prayer II Forgiveness
I Bless the day I thank God for my life in the heavens, I'm your baby, your Modest Babe I give you my love and thank you for your Continued love and Blessings
Lord, I ask you to help me forgive and Release Completely and fully all the people who have offended Me Mentally, in Word or deed, consciously or unconsciously, please Lord, please Lord, thank you Lord, thank you Lord, thank you
The Lord God in heaven, I ask you to Help all the people Whom I have offended/and Mentally, in Word or deed, willingly or unwillingly, to forgive and release Me Totally and Completely please the Lord, please Lord, thank you Lord, thank you Lord, thank you
Lord, I ask you to help me to forgive and absolve itself Totally and Completely for all the time that I Obižal Myself Or Obižal Other thoughts, in Word or deed, consciously or unconsciously, please Lord, please Lord, thank you Lord, thank you Lord, thank you
The Lord God in heaven, I request that you Helped to all forms of Life, Which I Mapped/la Harm in any way ever forgive and Release Me Totally and Completely
Please, Lord, Please Lord, Thank you Lord, Thank you Lord, Thank you
The Lord God in heaven, I request you to help me to Be Proŝënnym/Osvoboždënnym/oh oh and Totally and completely for all the misfortune and evil that I caused the/a land and life on Earth in thoughts, in Word or deed, consciously or unconsciously,
Please, Lord, please Lord, thank you Lord, thank you Lord, thank you, Otpuŝeniem, Freedom, Peace, power and new life I Bless All Creation in the entire universe and Napolnâû the whole universe of my Love
I love and Bless the Earth, Life and all mankind I love, Bless and respect the visible and invisible I'm too depressed and I thank you for my new life, power and health and give my Full blessing and Love Life forever.
Thank you Lord, Thank you Lord, Thank you

Gift of life, prayer is a Prayer on the complete III Personal Forgiveness
I Bless This Day And Thank you For My Life.
The Lord God In Heaven, I'm your Baby, your Modest Babe.
I Give you My Love, And I Thank you For your Continued Love And Blessings.
For all the people who have offended Me mentally, Physically, emotionally, spiritually, sexually, financially Or in any other manner through thoughts, words Or Actions, consciously or unconsciously.
The Lord God In Heaven, I Request you To Help Me To Forgive And Let Go Completely And Fully All The People Who Have Offended Me.
Please, Lord, Please Lord, Thank you Lord, Thank you Lord, Thank you.
And With God's Help I Forgive, And Am Going To Acquit Completely And Fully All The People Who Have Caused Me Harm.
Thank you, Lord God, In Heaven.
For all the people I had hurt/a injury – mentally, Physically, emotionally, spiritually, Seksua-l′no, financially or otherwise, Through thoughts, words Or Actions, willingly or unwillingly.

I apologize to all of you and Please, please forgive me Lord God in heaven, I request that you Helped all the people Whom I have offended/and Mentally, in Word or deed, consciously or unconsciously, to forgive and let go of Me Totally and Completely please the Lord, please Lord, thank you Lord, thank you Lord, thank you.
And I Thank All The People For Forgiveness And Remission Of Me Completely And Fully, With God's Help.
Thank you, Lord God In Heaven.
For all Those times when I obižal Myself mentally, Physically, emotionally, spiritually, sexually, financially or otherwise, mentally, in Word or deed, willingly or unwillingly.
I Apologize To All My Grievances And Wrongs Committed Against Me, And I Ask That I Be Forgiven.
The Lord God In Heaven, I Request you To Help Me To Forgive Me And Let Me Totally And Completely.
Please, Lord, Please Lord, Thank you Lord, Thank you Lord, Thank you.
And With God's Help I Forgive And Totally And Absolutely Am Going To Acquit.
Thank you, Lord God In Heaven.
For all forms of Life, to whom I Paid Damages in any form at any time.

I apologize for My Injury or evil which I have Caused to all forms of Life, and I ask that I be forgiven.
The Lord God in heaven, I request you to help me to get me Pardoned For trouble and Harm that I Brought all forms of life.
Please, Lord, Please Lord, Thank you Lord, Thank you Lord, Thank you.
Thanks To you, Lord, For Helping Me To Forgive Me For Injury And Evil Which I Have Caused To All Forms Of Life.
Thank you, Lord God In Heaven.
The Lord God In Heaven, I Request you To Help Me To Get Me Pardoned For Trouble And Evil That I Have Brought The Earth And Life On Earth In Thoughts, In Word Or Deed, Consciously Or Unconsciously.
Please, Lord, Please Lord.
Thank you Lord, Thank you Lord, Thank you.
Thanks To you, Lord, For Helping Me To Forgive Me For Trouble And Evil That I Have Brought The Earth And Life On Earth.
Thank you, Lord God In Heaven.
Lord, I ask you to Bless All these relationships, Filled Us Thy love and gave us the Perfect Quiet now and Always.
Please, Lord, Please Lord, Thank you Lord, Thank you Lord, Thank you. Thank you, Lord God in heaven.

Gift Of Life, Prayer Is A Prayer For Forgiveness IV Generations
The Lord God of heaven, For myself, for my family and All of our ancestors Into all time, Through all our Life to all the people We ever being hurt in any way, we apologize for all Our Ills and Wrongs Inflicted and Ask to be Forgiven
Lord, we ask that you Helped all the people we have offended, to forgive and let go of Us Utterly and Completely now and Forever Please, Lord, please Lord, thank you Lord, thank you Lord, thank you Lord in heaven
And We Thank All The People For Forgiveness And Remission Of Us Utterly And Completely, With God's Help, Thank you Lord
The Lord God of heaven, For Himself, For members of my family and all of our ancestors Into all time, Through all of our Living Lord, we ask that you helped us to forgive and let go Completely and fully all the people who have offended Us in any way ever Please, Lord, please Lord, thank you Lord, thank you Lord, thank you Lord God in heaven
And with God's help We really Forgive and Release Completely and fully all the people who have offended Us, thank you, Lord

The Lord God of heaven, For myself, for my family and All of our ancestors Into all time, through all of our lives.
Lord, We Ask That you Helped Us To Forgive And Let Go Completely And Fully For All The Time We Participated In Hurting Themselves Or Being Hurt Others.
Please, Lord, Please Lord, Thank you Lord, Thank you Lord, Thank you Lord God In Heaven.
And With God's Help We Really Forgive And Commit Themselves Totally And Completely For All Cases In Which We Participated In Hurting Themselves Or Being Hurt Others, Thank you, Lord.
The Lord God of heaven, the Otpuŝeniem, Freedom, Peace, power and new life We Likuem and thanks for The love, life, light, and Goodness, That We Now receive from Thy mercy and Blessings.
Now And Always. Thank you, Lord God In Heaven, Thank you Lord, Thank you.

Gift Of Life, Prayer Is A Prayer For All V Race, All Nationalities, All Mankind, The Earth And All Life
God in heaven, we are your children, your Humble Children We Give you their love and thank you for your Continued love and Blessings
For all races, all Nations, all mankind, To all times and Through all our lives – for all the ills and Evils that we Caused each other, Ourselves, the Earth and life on Earth in thoughts, in Word or deed, consciously or unconsciously, we apologize to all our Ills and Evils, and we ask that we are Forgiven
Help Us, Lord, Please Forgive All Those Who Have Offended Us To Forgive Ourselves For When We're Being Hurt Ourselves, And That We Are Forgiven All Those We Offended Anyone.
Please, Lord, please Lord, thank you Lord, thank you, thank you, Lord, to thee and We Really Forgive and Release each other, Ourselves and the rest of your life Completely and fully, with God's help, thank you, Lord!
The Lord God in heaven help us, please have the Awe and respect for all life and become aware of our responsibility to each other, to ourselves, to the Earth and The life for the Creation of peace and Harmony for the entire Life-time of our lives help us, Lord, please Configure our awareness, our minds, our deeds in our inner voice of generosity, love and truth – do you, The Highest God In Heaven.
Now And Forever Thank you, Lord Of Heaven, Thank you, Lord, I Thank you.

Gift of life, prayer VI — the complete Healing of all Relationships the Lord in heaven, we are your children, your Humble Children We Give you our love, and we thank you for your Continued love and Blessings
We Ask The Lord, Please, That you Led Us And Guided Us In your Life, your Light And your Love

We Ask, Please, O Lord, To your Perfection Is Our Perfection
To your love Is My Love To your life Becomes our life and That your Light has become our Light mentally, Physically, emotionally, spiritually, and in all the ways It
We thank you, Lord, for these Blessings thank you, Lord, For your love, we ask you, Lord, please Connect Us with your Ground, with your Heavens, with you, with all of Creation and to Ourselves – the mind with feelings, the bodies in harmony, Life, Light, love and Perfection, we ask the Lord, please, To your Perfection Is Our Perfection
To your love Is My Love To your life Becomes our life and That your Light has become our Light mentally, Physically, emotionally, spiritually, and in all the ways It

We thank you, Lord, for this Freedom, thank you, Lord, For your love, thank you, Lord, For Healing and for all of those Relationship Thank you, Lord, for the gift of life and for all the Many gifts that you are buying on Us Always the Lord God in heaven We your children, your Humble Children We Give you our love and we thank you for your Continued love and Blessings We Bless all your Creations in the entire universe
And We are filled with the whole universe of our Love We Bless the Earth, the Moon, the planets, the Sun, The Stars, and all celestial bodies We Bless Trees, plants, flowers, water, fish, birds, Wind, insects, animals, all mankind and all life on Earth and throughout the universe and We are filled with everything around all the time, and Space, All dimensions of our love,
While we celebrate the gift of freedom, life, love and healing now and Always thank you Lord in heaven, thank you Lord, thank you.

Gift Of Life, Prayer Is The Perfect Personal VII Healing
The Lord God in heaven, I'm your baby, your Modest Babe I commend you his love and thank you for your Continued love and Blessings
I Ask, Lord, Please Lead Me, Supported Me And Napravlâj Me In your Life, your Light And your Love.
I Ask, Lord, Please, To your Perfection Is My Perfection
That your love Is My Love To your life has become my Life and that your Light has become my Light mentally, Physically, emotionally, spiritually, and in all the ways It
I thank you, Lord, for these Blessings thank you, Lord, For your love, I ask you, Lord, Please, That you Followed me to your land, your Heaven, to thee, to the Creation and To Me/Oh-Mind to the feelings, the physical body in harmony, Life, light, Love and perfection.
I ask, Lord, Please, To your Perfection Is My Perfection To your love Is My Love To your life has become my Life and that your Light has become my Light mentally, Physically, emotionally, spiritually, and in all the ways It

I Thank you, Lord, For That Freedom
Thank you, Lord, For your love thank you, Lord, For My Healing thank you, Lord, For The gift of life and for all the many gifts that you are buying on Me Always.
The Lord God in heaven, I'm your baby, your Modest Babe I commend you love and I thank you for your Continued love and Blessings
I Bless all your Creations in the entire universe and I Napolnâû the whole universe with her love, I Bless the Earth, planets, the Sun and all the Stars All celestial bodies I Bless Trees, plants, flowers, water, fish, birds, Wind, insects, animals, all mankind, all life on Earth and throughout the universe
And I Napolnâû All Items All The Time, All The Space And All The Dimensions Of Its Love Because I'm Celebrating The Gift Of Freedom, Life, Love And Healing
Now And Always Thank you Lord God In Heaven, Thank you Lord, Thank you.

Gift Of Life, Prayer Of Thanksgiving — VIII
I Made Peace And Opened All My Creature The Light And Power Of The Living God
I'm With The Visible And The Invisible Presence Of Respect And Humility
I have deep respect to all that there is to this new perspective and Position in life, I broke into the surrounding world and Entered into the internal World to claim for himself the perfect, happy, healthy body, mind and Spirit, free from all past problems Or Disease
And as I live, I live the full and Perfect natural health I live Free/Aya, I live a healthy/Aya, I live thank you Lord God in heaven, thank you Lord, thank you Lord, thank you, Lord, now and Always thank you Lord, Amen.

Gift Of Life, Prayer, Prayer For Abundant IX
Lord, Please Unlock My Mind, Heart And All Thy Existence Perfect Unrestricted Izobil′nomu Prosperity And Love.
Please help, That Is what I Think, say, and Do, was filled with Thy Full Absolute love and Abundance
Please let me so that I have been Blessed/a wealth and Generosity your Heaven and Earth Thy Always please Follow Me, Guides me and Napravlâj Me in your life, in your Light, your love and your Perfect Izobil′noe prosperity and Unbounded Love
Celebrating life as the gift that comes from you, Lord, now and Always thank you, Lord, thank you, Lord, thank you, Lord, thank you, Lord, thank you, Lord, I thank you Lord, thank you, Lord, I thank you.

Author: Howard Uils